Cutter Specifications Customer: Email Address: Phone: Ratio: Gear Part No.: Pinion Part No.: 1. Gear Roughing 2. Gear Finishing 1. Customer's Tool No.: 2. Cutterhead No.: 3. Type of Cutter: 4. Average Diameter: 5. No. of Blades: 6. Hand of Cutter: 7. Pressure Angle: 8. Point Width: 9. Blade Letter: 10. Radius: 11. Cutting Depth: 12. Outside Blade Parallel: 13. Inside Blade Parallel: 14. Bottom Blade Parallel: 3. Pinion Roughing 4. Pinion Finishing Outside Inside 15. Customer's Tool No.: 16. Cutterhead No.: 17. Type of Cutter: 18. Average Diameter: 19. Point diameter: 20. No. of Blades: 21. Hand of Cutter: 22. Pressure Angle: 23. Point Width: 24. Blade Letter: 25. Radius: 26. Toprem Letter: 27. Cutting Depth: 28. Outside Blade Parallel: 29. Inside Blade Parallel: 30. Bottom Blade Parallel: